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Accountability is essential for long term success. By conducting an independent audit, HRx holds the PBM accountable to all its promises and ensure all contract terms, programs and operational setup are done correctly. In a way, this is how we grade or give a report on the PBM’s overall performance after a plan year has ended.

RFP and Renegotiation

Everyone thinks their contract is solid…but it doesn’t just matter what’s in your contract, it also matters who wrote it. HonestRx is committed to providing you the strongest foundation for your future, and we believe that starts with a contract that is customized for you, your values and your specific objectives.

PBM Programs

In our industry, brokers and PBMs often think they know best. But how would they know what you value, more than you do? We believe we should start, by asking you. HonestRx provides tailor-made programs designed for you, by you. We’re more than your consultant, we’re your advocate.

If you have a guarantee, what do you have to lose?